Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sheikh Nazim


Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu...

Welcome to my blog, InshAllah you are all well in health.
Name: Munise
Age: 17
Interests: Sufism, Naqshbandi Tariqat, Spirituality, Peace.

My first post and mind kind of blank on how to start. Well, i was born and now live in London for the whole of my life. My parents are Turkish Cypriot and Alhamdulilah i am a mureed of the blessed Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.

He is the Sultan Al-Awliya, the Sheikhs of Sheikhs...
He is the Imam of the People of Sincerity, the Secret of Sainthood, who revived the Naqshbandi Order at the end of the 20th Century, with Heavenly guidance and Prophetic ethics. He infused into the Nation and the Planet, love of God and love of the lovers of God, after they had been darkened with the fire and smoke of tribulation and terror, anger and grief. ( http://www.naqshbandi.org/chain/40.htm )

I came into Sufism when i was a young age by my oldest brother. My journey began when my brother would start to get dreams of such a beautiful holy man for so many months that one day when he went to Peckham Mosque, he saw the blessed Sheikh, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. Once his eyes met the divine Sheikh, he knew straight away that he was the person in his dreams. Since then, gradually Alhamdulilah the family became mureeds (student) of the blessed sultan. I remember when Hajja Amina-Sheikh Nazim's wife (May Allah grant her peace) placed her blessed hand onto my head as i knelt down in front of her and grew a connection to Sheikh Nazim, i became a mureed at the age of 7 Alhamdulilah.

But only since last year, Alhamdulilah i have become more stronger into Sufism. I remember last year when i started to ask the reasons about Ramadan and why we would fast on this month. As my knowledge grew, my iman grew. I went to a point of confusion where i didn't know what to do, thats when my journey really began. I spread my hands towards Allah Almighty and i surendered. I prayed with tears in my eyes asking Allah Almighty for forgiveness and guidance to the truth path of Islam.

The next day, Sheikh Nazim came into my mind. I began to wonder the signifance of Mawlana, so i asked around and read his books. My love grew stronger and stronger for Mawlana everytime i read anything from his blessed books. I started to ache with love, i needed to see Sheikh Nazim! Then Alhamdulilah! My time came and i had tickets with my family to visit Mawlana in Lefke, Cyprus. As i waited patiently, i discovered Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. The most beautiful poet, his poems are full of so much incredible love MashAllah, i would read his poems and my heart will light up like a bulb being switched on. I found my path Alhamdulilah and i was going to visit Mawlana soon.

When the time came on visiting Mawlana in June 2006, my heart was going crazy! My father was already in Cyprus and became very close to the blessed Sheikh that he arranged to talk face-to-face with the Sultan!! As i entered the room where Mawlana was sitting, my heart was crying to be in the presence of Sheikh Nazim. I went speechless as he smiled at me, once he smiled, my heart brightened up. He gave me permission to do Midwifery and told me and my brothers to get married InshAllah. He also did a Hajj dua so i can go InshAllah!!! The experience was truly amazing that now im back in London, i feel spiritually awakened.

I have learnt that Islam is a heavenly religion where the Holy Qur'an came from the heavens, so feed your soul with spiritual knowledge and most importantly, love.

May Allah Almighty prolong the life of Sheikh Nazim to a long a beautiful life!
I humble ask for Allah Almighty to bestow my muslim brothers and sisters with happiness, love and prosperity and to bless them with all kinds.

Allah Hafiz


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