The Whirling Dervish
The Whirling Dervish
Much has been written and researched about the "Sema" or The Whirling Dervish Ritual. The Naqshbandi Sufi Order followers have recently been given permission from the Sheikh to practice it. Sheikh Nazim said, 'Grandsheikh may open it for a particular person'. And The Mevlevi Order who are known for the ritual is the closest Sufi School to this one. Maulana (pronounced Mevlana in Turkish) Jalaludin RUMI is the Great Grandfather of Sheikh Nazim through his mother's side of the family. It is an awesome sight to behold if you are ever lucky enough to see any done properly. Devotees can whirl gracefully for hours, in total worship, in total harmony with the great whirling of creation, from the atoms around the nucleus to the huge and countless galaxies, all whirling in passion and awe of the Creator..... Mevalana RUMI would actualy levitate but more to the point, attained unprecedented levels of nearness to God. His encounter with Shams i Tabriz has been called 'the greatest love story ever'. He produced a very famous book called 'The Mathnavi' an epic devotional poem. Though it is sad that the whirling Order was in a way outlawed (seen as a threat to democracy!) the Whirlers from Konya have developed their 'performance' and have taken it to many countries.
Here in the West, more and more people are coming to the real, Sufi Way through the eternal love of the true inheritors....
Sheikh Nazim on 'whirling' - Cyprus Dec 1999:
"The religion of love transcends all other religions, for lovers, the only religion and belief is God."
"This moment this love comes to rest in me, many beings in one being. In one wheat-grain a thousand sheaf stacks. Inside the needle's eye, a turning night of stars."
- Rumi
A secret turning in us makes the universe turn. Head unaware of feet, and feet head. Neither cares. They keep turning.
Nothing moves without divine power. No object can stand without six equal forces. There is another power making the atom move. It is obedient to it's Creator's will. From the smallest thing to the largest; everything is moving according to the Will of it's Creator. Everyone is a unit. There is not two of anything. Everyone is in a private situation. Among millions of men and women, everyone is in a private circle, from their birthday to their last day, their death day: a circle. Everyone's circle is different. Everyone is moving in a special circle. We call it 'destination' and they are all different. They are all arranged and prepared. It is a perfect foundation; all destinations are perfect. This perfection is from Allah Almighty's perfection. According to the light of your faith, power will be granted and appear to you. You may be looking and seeing some realities, maybe 1%, maybe more. We are in need of more lights and faith. Everyone has been granted 'iman', faith, everyone knows what it is but very few people may enter the inner faith, like Buckingham Palace, it is only for a few select people. It is an order from Allah Almighty to see reality. Work on 'La illah illallah' (The only reality is God). This year Allah has sent Mevlevi murids to use our will power physically. The Lord is pleased with us. The 'sema' (whirling ritual)is for Allah, if you don't like it, go. The permission is from the Grandsheikh for the sake of this tariqat, Grandsheikh may open for a particular person. There are angels wearing the Mevlevi dress whirling for Allah.
What Sheikh Nazim al Haqqani said about Maulana Rumi:
He is, he has no nothingness, I love him and I boast of him, I chose his path, I turn my face to his path.
Everyone has a lover, he is my lover, eternal lover.
He is the one I love, he is beautiful, oh he is most perfect.
The ones who love him are the never dying lovers.
He is he and he is he and they are he.
This is a secret if you hve love you will understand it. Maulanas understand it, for others it is forbidden.
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