~Happy Birthday Jalaluddin Rumi~
Today is the day of your birthday, may Allah bless you with a thousand blessings, grant you peace in your heart and remember me.
You have opened up my inner being and unlocked my heart of Love. Without your love, i would be lost in this world and to even think of a life without your beauty, makes me speechless with a tear to my eye. I'm grateful each day for the life that you have shown me, may our Beloved (peace be upon him) be pleased with you and Allah to shower you with many blessings and most importantly, with Love.
Rumi, my realisation of Love.
"Rumi's words are beautiful, touching and reassuring -- a reflection of his belief in the mystical branch of Islam called Sufism, which emphasizes a universal connection to God. " Johnathan Curiel, San Francisco Journalist
"There is only one Maulana in Turkey - Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, known as one of the greatest mystic poets of Islam." Mansoor Akbar Kundi
"It was the richness of this music and poetry that had drawn me to examine the philosophy behind Sufism. Defining it is difficult. One dervish told me, "That's like trying to describe the colour red." One version is that the Sufis, or dervishes, are simply the mystics of Islam, but many practitioners feel Sufism approaches the core of all religions." Peter Culshaw, The Guardian Newspaper
"Rumi is, in fact, one of the bestselling poets in American today...He's a favorite of coffee shop poetry readings, peace activists and artists." Mary Louise Schumacher, Journal Sentinel.
"Jelaluddin Rumi deserves to be the envy of every poet. His latest book,"The Essential Rumi" (Harper San Francisco), sold 110,000 copies in threeyears, and he has a couple of dozen others that are doing well. None of itwas his idea. He's been dead for more than 700 years." Los Angeles Times
"Rumi is the voice of unconditional love." Kabir Helminski
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