Saturday, August 05, 2006

Asma Al-Husna

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Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi on the
Asma al-Husna
The 99 Names of God

Just as a person is in relation to you a fatherand in relation to another either son or brother --So the names of God in their number have relations:He is from the viewpoint of the infidel the Tyrant (qaher);from our viewpoint, the Merciful.Divan e-Kebir, tr. Annemarie Schimmel.

With us, the name of everything is its outward appearance;with the Creator, the name of each thing is its inward reality.In the eye of Moses, the name of his rod was "staff";in the eye of the Creator, its name was "dragon."In brief, that which we are in the endis our real name with God.Mathnawi I:1239-40, 1244 <<>

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