Sunday, October 29, 2006

Request from shaykh Nazim to read 70,000 Durood Tunjina


Request for ALL UK mureeds from Shaykh Nazim Haqqani to read colletively 70,000 Durood Tunjina by 30th Monday 12pm Oct 2006 ) non mureeds can also take part for the Barakah

( i think its becauase of the wave of problems that the UK muslims will soon being facing, this Durood is known for Deliverance of all types of problems and evils by reading the 70,000 and making Khatam i thinking the blessed Shaykh will use it a spiritul force to protect what ever major problems that are coming our way.)

read the english below and you 'll see what i mean by the power of this words what ever you read add the toal and forward the total number to Shaykh Imam Abdal-Hamid on 0778-2277-597 just text total durood read***

Durood of Deliverance or Durood Tunjina to most :-

Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin
O Allah bless our Master Muhammad

salatan tunjina bi-ha min jami‘i-l-ahwali wa-l-afat
so that by this prayer You will deliver us from all fears and evils,

Wa taqdi lana biha jami‘i-l-hajat
that You will satisfy all of our needs,

Wa tutahhiruna biha min jami‘i-s-sa’iyat
that You will cleanse us of all our impurities,

Wa tarfa‘una biha ‘ala-d-darajat
that You will raise us to the highest levels,

wa tuballighuna biha aqsa-l-ghayati min jami‘i-l-khayrati
and that You will bring us to the ultimate of all goodness

fi-l-hayati wa ba‘ada-l-mamat
in this life and after death.


Blogger Maryma said...

I too am Taurus. I am musician. What is the recitation that opens the heart?
Sajidha Maryma

10:13 PM  

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