Monday, January 08, 2007

Listen to the reed


Song of the Reed

Listen to the reed as it tells its tale;it complains of separation.

Since they cut me from the reed-bed, men and women have been crying over my lament.

I wish for someone with a bosom torn apart by separation,so that I can tell them the meaning of the pain of longing.

Everyone who stays far away from his own originseeks to get back to the day he was together with it.

I have been crying in every gathering; I have kept company with the miserable and the happy.

Everyone has thought he is my friend, but no one has sought my inner secrets.

My secret is not far from my crying, but neither eye nor ear has the light to find it.

Body from soul, soul from body are not veiled,but no one has permission to see the soul.

This call of the reed is fire, not wind.Everyone who has not this fire-- should be naught.

The fire is love that came down into the reed;its fervor is love that came down into the wine.

The reed is the companion of everyone parted from a beloved.
Its tunes have torn apart our veils.

Who has seen such a poison and antidote as the reed?
Who has seen such a sympathizer and longing lover as the reed?

The reed tells the tale of the Way full of blood.
It tells the love stories of Majnûn and Laylá.

No one but the delirious is intimate with this consciousness.
The tongue has no customer but the ear.

In our sorrow the days have become untimely.
The days accompany the burning griefs.

If the days are gone, tell them "Go!" and never mind.
But Thou, please stay, for none is as holy as Thou.

Everyone but the fish is fed up with his water.
For everyone without daily bread, his day is very long.

No one who is raw can understand the state of the cooked.
So the talk should be short. "That's all!"

Jalaluddin Rumi

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Some marriage examples from our beloved Prophet(pbuh)


Some of the examples of the beautiful qualities of our Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him)

He(peace be upon him) used to lie down with his head on Aisha's(ra) thighs even when she would be having her period.

After asar prayer he(peace be upon him) would visit all his wives...they would talk about past events and daily things and he(peace be upon him) would listen...sometimes he(peace be upon him) would tell them about some past events from his life.

Aisha(ra) says that he(peace be upon him) would sit among his wives and talk and laugh and it would not seem that he is a mighty messanger of Allah. but when the time for prayer would come, he would stop everything else..

The prophet(peace be upon him) made love to his wives at different times of the night.

He(peace be upon him) would invite the girls of the ansaar to come to his house and play with aisha. sometimes he(peace be upon him) would join them.

When Aisha(ra) would drink water from a cup, he would place his(peace be upon him) lips at the same place where she had placed her lips, and drink water. when she would eat meat off of a bone, he(peace be upon him) would place his mouth at the same place...

Once he(peace be upon him) challenged Aisha(ra) to a sprint. she beat him as she was young and agile..a few years later he(peace be upon him) challenged her again and this time he(peace be upon him) beat her as she had put on some weight..the prophet said(peace be upon him) " you beat me the first i have taken my revenge "

He(peace be upon him) never shouted at his wives..if he did not like something he just would not talk to them...

Aisha(ra) says that he(peace be upon him) would always enter the house smiling.

Aisha(ra) says that once she cooked for him(peace be upon him)..hafsa(ra) also cooked for him at the same time. she told her servent to go and drop hafsa's food. the servent did that. the pan in which hafsa(ra) brought the food also fell down and broke. the prophet(peace be upon him) picked up hafsa's food and ate it and told hafsa to take aisha's pan as compensation...

Aisha(ra) says , " i brought harara to the prophet(peace be upon him) one day. Sauda(ra) was also there. i asked her to eat it too. for some reason she refused. i said, either you eat it or i will smear it on your face. she refused to i dipped my hand in the harara and smeared it all over her face. when the prophet(peace be upon him) saw this he started to laugh. he(peace be upon him) pinned me down with his hands, and asked sauda(ra) to smear my face with harara. she did that, and the prophet(peace be upon him) started to laugh again."

Aisha(ra) says that the prophet(peace be upon him) often talked about khadija(ra) and that made aisha(ra) jealous. one day she said to the prophet(peace be upon him) that khadija(ra) was old and had lost all her looks; why does he still talk about her when Allah has given him better ones (meaning herself) . the prophet(peace be upon him) said that Allah has not given him one better than khadija(ra); she was his only friend and believer when the whole world was against him...

Aisha(ra) says that at the time of his death the prophet(peace be upon him) was lying with his head resting on her lap.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Task of the Masters


The Task of the Masters

My task and the task of all those who are on my level is to make you believe.

This is the task of the Masters.

It is not possible to believe in something without believing in someone.

For, to listen, the heart must be open.

Whoever listens believes in someone, and believes that this person can teach him what he cannot know, see, reach or be by himself, Such belief brings you the love of the one to whom you are listening.

By believing, you learn how to Love.

By believing you learn to obey.

For true obedience is not possible without love.

Whoever is forced to obey will never obey, and true obedience leads to the Divine presence.

Maulana Sheikh Nazim

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Only my name remains, as all is He.


Love came and spread like blood

in my veins and the skin of me,

It filled me with the Friend

and completely emptied me.

The Friend has taken over all parts

of my existence,

Only my name remains, as all is He.

Amir Khusrau

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Request from shaykh Nazim to read 70,000 Durood Tunjina


Request for ALL UK mureeds from Shaykh Nazim Haqqani to read colletively 70,000 Durood Tunjina by 30th Monday 12pm Oct 2006 ) non mureeds can also take part for the Barakah

( i think its becauase of the wave of problems that the UK muslims will soon being facing, this Durood is known for Deliverance of all types of problems and evils by reading the 70,000 and making Khatam i thinking the blessed Shaykh will use it a spiritul force to protect what ever major problems that are coming our way.)

read the english below and you 'll see what i mean by the power of this words what ever you read add the toal and forward the total number to Shaykh Imam Abdal-Hamid on 0778-2277-597 just text total durood read***

Durood of Deliverance or Durood Tunjina to most :-

Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin
O Allah bless our Master Muhammad

salatan tunjina bi-ha min jami‘i-l-ahwali wa-l-afat
so that by this prayer You will deliver us from all fears and evils,

Wa taqdi lana biha jami‘i-l-hajat
that You will satisfy all of our needs,

Wa tutahhiruna biha min jami‘i-s-sa’iyat
that You will cleanse us of all our impurities,

Wa tarfa‘una biha ‘ala-d-darajat
that You will raise us to the highest levels,

wa tuballighuna biha aqsa-l-ghayati min jami‘i-l-khayrati
and that You will bring us to the ultimate of all goodness

fi-l-hayati wa ba‘ada-l-mamat
in this life and after death.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Ramadhan Dhikr~


~Ramadhan Dhikr Night~

Assalamu Alaikum wr wb,

Here a few pictures from the Naqshbandi Dhikr on Thursday Night October 19th:

(click on image for bigger size)

Spot the whirling dervishes ;)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Laylatu Qadr


Laylatu Qadr~

The Khutba of last Juma concerning Laylatu-l Qadr.

Sohbet from JUMA, FRIDAY 13.10.06 Mawlana Sheikh Nazim

(Short summary of the Turkish part of Khutba: )

O believers, it is the last third of the blessed month Ramadan. The last tendays have arrived. Allah Almighty is opening the Doors of His Divine Mercy,of His Divine Faiz, Allah is giving us, what we are asking. The first tendays were the days of Rahmat, the second the days of maghfirat, offorgiveness.

In these last ten days there is the Laylatu-l Qadr. Every year Allahs Grantsare different and this year His Divine Mercy exceeds the Rahmat of the 1400years before!Be careful, what you are speaking in these last ten days! Everything shouldbe clean, your heart should be for Allah Almighty. At least for one hour aday be with Allah and say: "O Allah Almighty, I am now in Your Presence!"

The English part of Khutba:

O people, just we reached the last, the 3rd part of the Holy Ramadan and itis the most precious days of the most precious month, the Holy monthRamadan, and also through that 3rd part, its ten days and ten nights are themost precious days and nights of the whole year. And Allah is grantingbelievers, Muslims, to be happy with His endless Mercy Oceans, endlessBlessings.

O people, come to yourself! Don't follow Satan and satanic ways! Satansways - leave it! Come to Islam, come to Allah!

Through these ten days there is one night that its value no one can be ableto say about the greatness and holiness of that night, Laylatu-l Qadr. Thatnight whole Heavens are just dressed with such blessings and Nur, Lightsfrom the Holy Throne, Arshu Rahman, is coming down on 7 Heavens and 7Heavens are going to be in such beautiful magnificent Glory from AllahAlmighty. Just He is dressing that Night!

O people, try to reach to you also something from that Heavenly Lights, tomake you accepted servants in His Divine Presence, to be your Lord happywith you! O people, try this! O mankind, come to Allah, don't run away, yourun in(to) hellish life here and hereafter!

Allah Almighty is calling you to eternal life, eternity, eternity, eternity!
May Allah forgive us!

Allah Almighty is hiding that Holy Night, so that people may ask every nightif it is the Holy Laylatu-l Qadr, Night of Power, that just appearing (init) as an atom from that Power, (from the) Power Oceans of Allah. Only onedharra, one atom, is coming and appearing that Night and making all creationthrough Divine Lights? (That is) through that (one) point of oceans ofPower! Allahu akbar! Allah the Great!

May Allah forgive us!

We hope that it should be Thursday night, Wednesday to Thursday. We hopethat it should be that night, but it may be tonight, maybe 21st, 23rd or25th or 27th or 29th night? but we hope it should be this year on the 27thnight (that) the Tajalli, the Appearance, of Allah Almighty is coming onearth to make it clean!

O people, beware and try to be awakening! Wake up, O mankind, to welcomethat Holy Night! You should be happy here and Hereafter for eternity,eternity, eternity?
May Allah forgive us!