Saturday, September 30, 2006

~Happy Birthday Jalaluddin Rumi~


Happy Birthday Beloved Jalaluddin Rumi

Oh God
Let all lovers be content.
Give them happy endings.
Let thier lives be celebrations.
Let their hearts dance in the fire of your love.
My sweetheart,
You have aroused my passion
Your touch has filled me with desire
I am no longer separate from you
These are precious moments
I beseech you
Don't let me wait...

Today is the day of your birthday, may Allah bless you with a thousand blessings, grant you peace in your heart and remember me.

You have opened up my inner being and unlocked my heart of Love. Without your love, i would be lost in this world and to even think of a life without your beauty, makes me speechless with a tear to my eye. I'm grateful each day for the life that you have shown me, may our Beloved (peace be upon him) be pleased with you and Allah to shower you with many blessings and most importantly, with Love.

Rumi, my realisation of Love.

"Rumi's words are beautiful, touching and reassuring -- a reflection of his belief in the mystical branch of Islam called Sufism, which emphasizes a universal connection to God. " Johnathan Curiel, San Francisco Journalist

"There is only one Maulana in Turkey - Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, known as one of the greatest mystic poets of Islam." Mansoor Akbar Kundi

"It was the richness of this music and poetry that had drawn me to examine the philosophy behind Sufism. Defining it is difficult. One dervish told me, "That's like trying to describe the colour red." One version is that the Sufis, or dervishes, are simply the mystics of Islam, but many practitioners feel Sufism approaches the core of all religions." Peter Culshaw, The Guardian Newspaper

"Rumi is, in fact, one of the bestselling poets in American today...He's a favorite of coffee shop poetry readings, peace activists and artists." Mary Louise Schumacher, Journal Sentinel.

"Jelaluddin Rumi deserves to be the envy of every poet. His latest book,"The Essential Rumi" (Harper San Francisco), sold 110,000 copies in threeyears, and he has a couple of dozen others that are doing well. None of itwas his idea. He's been dead for more than 700 years." Los Angeles Times

"Rumi is the voice of unconditional love." Kabir Helminski


Monday, September 25, 2006

The Whirling Dervish


The Whirling Dervish

Much has been written and researched about the "Sema" or The Whirling Dervish Ritual. The Naqshbandi Sufi Order followers have recently been given permission from the Sheikh to practice it. Sheikh Nazim said, 'Grandsheikh may open it for a particular person'. And The Mevlevi Order who are known for the ritual is the closest Sufi School to this one. Maulana (pronounced Mevlana in Turkish) Jalaludin RUMI is the Great Grandfather of Sheikh Nazim through his mother's side of the family. It is an awesome sight to behold if you are ever lucky enough to see any done properly. Devotees can whirl gracefully for hours, in total worship, in total harmony with the great whirling of creation, from the atoms around the nucleus to the huge and countless galaxies, all whirling in passion and awe of the Creator..... Mevalana RUMI would actualy levitate but more to the point, attained unprecedented levels of nearness to God. His encounter with Shams i Tabriz has been called 'the greatest love story ever'. He produced a very famous book called 'The Mathnavi' an epic devotional poem. Though it is sad that the whirling Order was in a way outlawed (seen as a threat to democracy!) the Whirlers from Konya have developed their 'performance' and have taken it to many countries.

Here in the West, more and more people are coming to the real, Sufi Way through the eternal love of the true inheritors....

Sheikh Nazim on 'whirling' - Cyprus Dec 1999:

"The religion of love transcends all other religions, for lovers, the only religion and belief is God."
"This moment this love comes to rest in me, many beings in one being. In one wheat-grain a thousand sheaf stacks. Inside the needle's eye, a turning night of stars."
- Rumi

A secret turning in us makes the universe turn. Head unaware of feet, and feet head. Neither cares. They keep turning.


Nothing moves without divine power. No object can stand without six equal forces. There is another power making the atom move. It is obedient to it's Creator's will. From the smallest thing to the largest; everything is moving according to the Will of it's Creator. Everyone is a unit. There is not two of anything. Everyone is in a private situation. Among millions of men and women, everyone is in a private circle, from their birthday to their last day, their death day: a circle. Everyone's circle is different. Everyone is moving in a special circle. We call it 'destination' and they are all different. They are all arranged and prepared. It is a perfect foundation; all destinations are perfect. This perfection is from Allah Almighty's perfection. According to the light of your faith, power will be granted and appear to you. You may be looking and seeing some realities, maybe 1%, maybe more. We are in need of more lights and faith. Everyone has been granted 'iman', faith, everyone knows what it is but very few people may enter the inner faith, like Buckingham Palace, it is only for a few select people. It is an order from Allah Almighty to see reality. Work on 'La illah illallah' (The only reality is God). This year Allah has sent Mevlevi murids to use our will power physically. The Lord is pleased with us. The 'sema' (whirling ritual)is for Allah, if you don't like it, go. The permission is from the Grandsheikh for the sake of this tariqat, Grandsheikh may open for a particular person. There are angels wearing the Mevlevi dress whirling for Allah.

What Sheikh Nazim al Haqqani said about Maulana Rumi:

He is, he has no nothingness, I love him and I boast of him, I chose his path, I turn my face to his path.
Everyone has a lover, he is my lover, eternal lover.
He is the one I love, he is beautiful, oh he is most perfect.
The ones who love him are the never dying lovers.
He is he and he is he and they are he.
This is a secret if you hve love you will understand it. Maulanas understand it, for others it is forbidden.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Forever Haqqani~Dance with me


It's four in the morning

No sign of sleep

I'm feeling kinda lonely

No time to eat

Waiting here to love you

Just call on my door

Hold out your hand

Lead me to the floor

Dance with me, Dance with me

Feel the love

Turn and see

Dance with me, Dance with me

Divine love you'll feel

Have you ever wondered?

Did you ever think?

Standing here beside you

The joy that you bring

I see your eyes smile

Wait here for awhile

Holding you so close

So hard to breathe

Dance with me, Dance with me

Feel the love

Turn and see

Dance with me, Dance with me

Divine love you'll feel

Gaze through my window

Look into my heart

Only your name

Can keep out the dark

Then try to tell me

I'll always be yours

Walking through rainbows

Dance through your door

Dispensing sunshine

Walks in the rain

Hold us together

Keep out the pain

As long as you stay here

And keep me with you

I will forever and ever dance to your tune

Dance with me, Dance with me

Feel the love

Turn and see

Dance with me, Dance with me

Divine love you'll feel

It's four in the morning

No sign of sleep

I'm feeling kinda lonely

No time to eat

Waiting here to love you

Just call on my door

Hold out your hand

Lead me to the floor

Dispensing sunshine

Walks in the rain

Hold us together

Keep out the pain

As long as you stay here

And keep me with you I will forever and ever dance to your tune (Scroll down to listen to the song)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Woman who lost 8 relatives in 9/11, embraces Islam


Woman who lost 8 relatives in 9/11, embraces Islam!

Her mother named her Elizabeth after the queen of England. More than four decades later, she took another name: Safia Al-Kasaby, reflecting her new identity as a Muslima.
Safia, 43, is an unlikely candidate for conversion.

She claims Jewish and Puerto Rican ancestry. She is a former sergeant first class in the Air Force National Guard. And she lost eight relatives — one uncle and seven cousins — in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

Back then, Safia did not imagine the faith professed by the hijackers would one day become her own.
“It didn’t really matter who did it,” says the Tampa woman now, reflecting on the 2001 attacks. “I just never hated Islam. I never hated Muslims. For me to be angry about what happened to the twin towers would be like me hating all the Germans that killed the Jews.”

Safia embraced Islam last year, coming to the faith at a time when it is seemingly maligned anew with each new report of terror plots, wars in far away lands and dead American soldiers.

Like other Muslims, Safia feels the tension all around her: curious stares because she wears the hijab or head scarf and store clerks who ask for extra identification.
Just last month , officials at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo turned down an initial request from Safia’s Egyptian fiance for a temporary visa. Safia was certain bigotry played a role.
Her new faith also has widened the chasm among her Christian family. Her mother, three sisters and one of her daughters question her choice.

Safia presses on.
“For her to accept Islam, making that decision especially in this day and time, it says you’re ready to step up and deal with the challenges of this journey,” said Pat “Aliyah” Cruse, a fellow Muslima and 11-year convert.


Some demographers consider Islam to be the fastest-growing religion in the world. Of the 1.3-billion Muslims worldwide, 4.7-million live in the United States, according to the Association of Religion Data Archives.
One of the world’s oldest religions, Islam has been in the United States for generations. But the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, thrust the religion and its adherents into the spotlight. Before the attacks, American Muslims largely kept to themselves. Now, many feel the public expects them to answer for the actions of those who commit heinous acts in the name of their faith.
Across the country, some Muslims complain of stereotyping, racial profiling and discrimination. Others pine for the days when Islam was rarely mentioned in headlines. Most dare not complain openly, religious and civic leaders say, for fear of being labeled unpatriotic or sympathetic to extremists.

“There’s a certain sense of indignation to being treated the way they’ve been treated,” said Imam Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society’s Freedom Foundation in Washington, D.C. “There’s a kind of rage. The challenge is to make that a healthy rage.”
Many American Muslims say extremists misrepresent their faith. But convincing the public to separate Islam from terrorism at times seems an insurmountable hurdle.
Opinion polls back up what American Muslims say they feel every day: Masses of the U.S. populace view them negatively. In a USA Today/Gallup poll released in August , 39 percent of Americans said they feel prejudiced toward Muslims. Nearly one quarter of Americans polled said they would not want a Muslim as a neighbor.
Another 39 percent want Muslims to carry special identification at all times and undergo enhanced security checks when boarding airplanes.
Anti-Muslim sentiment also has popped up in the Tampa Bay area, home to an estimated 45,000 Muslims. In 2002, federal agents arrested a Seminole podiatrist, Dr. Robert Goldstein, on charges of plotting to blow up a mosque.

Fearing for their wives’ safety after Sept. 11, husbands of immigrant Muslim women pulled them out of leadership roles in Islamic women’s groups. Fathers encouraged daughters to remove their hijabs in public to avoid harassment. Muslim women complained of verbal abuse in retail stores. One woman’s hijab was ripped from her head by a customer in her husband’s store.
Children get few passes. Last spring , athletic officials benched Temple Terrace’s Briana Canty when she refused to remove her head scarf in an amateur youth basketball league tournament. Rather than recognize Islamic holidays, the Hillsborough County School Board voted to rescind all religious holidays, a move it later reversed.
This is the new reality for American Muslims. Advances are often eclipsed by setbacks.
Quoting Charles Dickens, Ihsan Bagby, a leading Muslim demographer and associate professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Kentucky, said this is the best and worst of times for Muslims in America.

“This frustration, this pressure will ultimately produce positive results as Muslims continue to strive to become full members of this society,” Bagby said. “Overall, everybody will look back at this period, they’ll see this possibly as a turning point in the history of Islam in America.”


Despite challenges for Muslims, Islam continues to grow, buoyed by births and new converts such as Safia.

Raised by her grandparents in Puerto Rico, Safia grew up in a home of melded cultures and faiths. Her grandfather was a Jew, who fled Germany during the Holocaust. Her grandmother was Catholic. Safia ultimately chose Judaism, a faith she believed was her birthright.
But Judaism eventually let her down, Safia said. In 1997, nearly destitute, she approached a North Tampa synagogue for help. Officials at the shul wanted to know if she was a member. She was not. They asked her if she was really Jewish.

“They said just because I had a relative along the line didn’t make me Jewish,” said Safia. “That was the first wall. That I wasn’t pure.”
Battling rejection, Safia left the synagogue. For eight years, she did not participate in organized religion.
She found Islam in 2005 on the third day of a Moroccan vacation.
“I just felt like God was there,” she said, recalling her visit to a mosque during the call for prayer. “I said, 'This is it. I believe there is only one God. His name is Allah, and his messenger is Mohammed.’”

At first, Safia’s family didn’t take her seriously. And some colleagues at her banking job looked askance at her new Moroccan-inspired Islamic attire. Safia quickly toned it down, wearing scarfs only around her neck. She dared not pray at work.
Mostly, Safia kept her new faith at home, learning about her religion on Web sites and Islamic chat rooms.

Safia went to the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay Area in June and asked for the imam. She wanted to renew her shahadah, the formal declaration of the Islamic Creed. Safia also was out of work. The imam gave her a job managing the society’s office. The group also stocked her refrigerator and paid her rent and electricity bill.

At last, Safia said, she had found a spiritual family. It helps blunt the sting of the rejection from her biological one.Safia’s eldest daughter, Sylvia, wants little to do with her. A Baptist and young military widow, Sylvia berated Safia when she showed up at her husband’s funeral wearing a hijab and carrying a Koran.

At home in Town 'N Country, Safia raises two daughters. Ten-year-old Natalia says her mother’s religion is cool.
Ada, 18, appreciates Safia’s transformation and doesn’t put up with people who make fun of Islam or stereotype Muslims.

“I say, 'Wait a minute. My mom’s a Muslim,’” Ada said. “She’s not a terrorist.”

Safia hopes the world will see her as an example of what Islam really is. Still early in her conversion, she is a Muslima in transition.

She studies the Koran and prays five times a day. She also wears makeup and has French-manicured acrylic nails. Sometimes she covers and sometimes — when she fears heckling or worse — she does not.
There are victories: Her fiance received his visa and the two married Friday.
She looks forward to the day when her religion is not an issue.
“I don’t want to have whispers behind me, whispers in front of me,” she said. “I want to be able to blend in, keep my faith and blend in.”

SubhanAllah =D Alhamdulilah!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Why Women Cry


Why Women Cry

"Why are you crying?", a young boy asked his Mom.
"Because I'm a woman," she told him.
"I don't understand," he said.
His Mom just hugged him and said,
"And you never will, but that's O.K.".......

Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does Mom seem to cry for
no reason?".
"All women cry for no reason," was all his Dad could say......

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women
cry. Finally he put in a call to God and when God got back to him,
he asked
"God, why do women cry so easily?"
GOD answered......
"When I made woman, I decided she had to be special. I made her
shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet,
made her arms gentle enough to give comfort...
I gave her the inner strength to endure childbirth and
the rejection that many times will come even from her own children.
I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going and
take care of her family and friends, even when everyone else gives up,
through sickness and fatigue, without complaining....
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all
circumstances. Even when her child has hurt her badly....
She has the very special power to make a child's boo-boo feel better
and to quell a teenager's anxieties and fears....
I gave her strength to care for her husband, despite faults and
I fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart....
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife,
but sometimes tests her strengths and
her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly....
For all of this hard work, I also gave her a tear to shed.
It is hers to use whenever needed and it is her only weakness....
When you see her cry, tell her how much you love her, and all she does
for everyone, and even though she may still cry, you will have made
her heart feel good. .......She is special!"

May Allah Almighty bless all our beautiful mothers and bestow them with happiness and a key to Janat!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Prophet (pbuh) food habits


Our Prophet (peace be upon him) food habits

A food Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) used to eat with olive oil. [That's now a fashion in expensive Italian Restaurants]

The Prophet said that milk wipes away heat from the heart just as the finger wipes away sweat from the brow. It strengthens the back, improved the brain, renews vision and drives away forgetfulness.


Considered to be the best remedy for diarrhoea when mixed in hot water. It is the food of foods, drink of drinks and drug of drugs. It is used for creating appetite, strengthening the stomach, eliminating phlegm; as a meat preservative, hair conditioner, eye salve and mouthwash. It is extremely beneficial in the morning in warm water and is also a Sunnah.

Olive oil:
Excellent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age, and treats inflammation of the stomach.

The Prophet (pbuh) said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes, it also serves as a form of birth control and arrests paralysis.

The Prophet(pbuh) was very fond of grapes - it purifies the blood, provides vigour and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels.

The Prophet(pbuh) said that a house without dates has no food and also to be eaten at the time of childbirth.

It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.

Good for fever in a soup form.


The Prophet(pbuh) said: "None of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce off spring who are good in countenance and good in character."

The Prophet said it cleanses you of Satan and evil aspirations for 40 days.

The Prophet(pbuh) said the best drink in this world and the next is water, when you are thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the liver.

So praise be to our beloved Nabi (pbuh) who related us with marvelous knowledge which dazzles the wisest minds. May this information be beneficial to all of us Insha'Allah.

( )

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Forever Haqqani!


Shaykh Ahmad Dede speaking about;
Forever Haqqani

Medded Ya Haqqani, Medded Ya Sultan,

One time in the year 1998, I was in the house of my Grandsheikh in Lefke (Cyprus) sitting near my Grandsheikh, he asked me how it was in Holland, I said; O my Grandsheikh, You know best. My Grandsheikh looked to me and said;

"Ahmad you must sing"

I was very surprised looking to the smile of my Grandsheikh, to hear this.
At that same moment looking at my Grandsheikh, I felt that something was happening inside my heart.

In my heart I know that my Grandsheikh knows everything about me.
Because secretly, I was always singing about the Love of Allah, and now he ordered me to sing openly.
He has opened my heart for singing, after a while I started to sing the remembrance of my Love openly, and through my Grandsheikhs Holy Heart, I experience his Holy Breath blowing whirling inside of me, making me a drinker of his blessings of the Sound of Love, streaming to us from the Oceans of our most Beloved Prophet(S.A.W) and our Lord Allah Almighty.

This experience makes me by experience to feel I am becoming his instrument, if my Beloved makes me to sing, I know that I am not singing, but I experienced through my Beloved Grandsheikh the spirit of love, blowing His whirling Sound of Love. Holding on to me in His Love, using my body as His instrument to bring His Love song without discrimination for all of you.
After this I understand by experience through the blessings of my Grandsheikh,
what the Great Master Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi ( Qad) means by saying;

"I am the Ney flute of my Beloved"

"Listen to this Ney (the reed-flute) that is complaining and narrating the story of separation."

The Ney flute is the body of men and the breath blown into it is the spirit (Holy breath of God). This refers to the Qur'anic verse;

Behold, Thy Lord said to the angels, "I am about to create man, from sounding (dry) clay..." and "When I have fashioned him (man) and breathed into him My Spirit you fall down in obedience unto him."(Qur'an XV/28/29)


"For God has poured His Love into our hearts by means of the Holy Spirit who is God's gift to us" ( The Holy Bible, Romans 4/5)

In the year 1998, my Grandsheikh ordered me to "Come" to him to take from him,
"The Holy Opening" for the Haqqani-Mevlevi Tariqat, by His order the “Door” of the Haqqani-Mevlevi Tariqat was opened and starting to appear.
In that year I asked my Grandsheikh his blessings to give me musicians, to help me in the love of our Lord Allah Almighty my Beloved Grandsheikh said ;

"Ahmad you will have musicians everywhere, if our Lord Allah Almighty has granted something it will become complete, you mast be patient"

Once someone asked our Grandsheikh;

"What is our relationship to music?"

Our Beloved Grandsheikh said;

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Medded, Ya Grandsheikh Abdullah, Medded!
Whenever we find some activity to be enjoyable we must ask ourselves whether that activity also makes our Lord pleased with us. If the answer is 'yes' then you know that such activities are all right.
"When we refer to music and to whether there is any merit in the sight of Allah, we cannot speak of "music" as if all different kinds of music are one and the same. One must make distinctions. One kind of music, and the best music in the sight of Allah, is Divinely inspired music, such as the music of several of the Sufi Tariqats in their rememberance of Allah, most notably the Mevlevi whirling initiated by Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, may Allah sanctify his blessed Soul. It must be clear that there is a vast difference between such music and the satanic, sexually arousing music of the discotheque.
Yes, the music of those Tariqats is Divine music; they sing heavenly songs that touch our Souls gently, turning our attention to the inner realities and eternal life; they bring our Souls a pleasure that makes our hearts open wider and wider to Divine inspiration until you feel your heart to be full of Divine Love. How can such music be termed reprehensible, or sinful?
But nowadays when people refer to "music", they usually mean pop and disco music, the kind of music that not only distracts the mind, but fills our hearts with darkness, sadness and misery. It is the kind of music that satan uses to control those who don't have a firm command over their willpower, and to push them into the pit of spiritual pollution.
Even an older or middle aged man like our friend here, if exposed to such music, may start jumping around like a devil; even chains cannot hold people when such music enters their blood. Such music is so dangerous that even those who can exercise their willpower flee from such sounds, taking refuge in their Lord from the accursed devil.
Perhaps while listening and dancing to such music you may feel a type of enjoyment, but when the party is over and you return to your house, turn your gaze inward; there you will find your conscience condemning you for exposing it to such degradation; and you will repent for having left a way for such darkness and sadness to overtake you. Listening to that kind of music never makes our Lord pleased with us.
Therefore, our relationship with music depends on our own conscience; it may tell us if the music is uplifting or otherwise. Consult your conscience, and if there is a clear positive response, then don't worry, that music may be Divinely inspired.
According to tradition, on the Day of Resurrection the four Angels who bear the Divine Throne will be glorifying their Lord with such beautiful litanies that all the souls gathered on that day will lose their self awareness in complete absorbtion in that beauty, they shall be beside themselves and in their Lord. The recitation of The Holy Qur'an is also Divine music, as our Holiest Prophet, Peace be upon him, stressed that it should be recited in a beautiful voice. And so, Divine music has an important place in our religion, since our Prophet (S.A.W) has advised that through beautiful recitation the Holy Qur'an may best reach our hearts."

One time Sheikh Ahmad told us;
It was in the beginning of the year 2001; "I was sitting on my prayer mat thinking about musicians, thinking it will be good to present the musicians under a name, but I don't know what the name will be, I prayed asking our Lord, Allah Almighty to bless us for the honour of our Grandsheikh with a name; suddenly I was hearing a "Voice" saying;

"Forever Haqqani"

was very surprised and looking around myself, I was thinking; am I hearing this clearly, but in my heart I felt peace and happiness, then I stood up making the intention to give my thanks to Allah Almighty in a prayer,
I said; “Allahu Akbar” and standing out of respect and thanks, I was reciting Al Faatiha, (The Holy Opening),suddenly I was hearing again the "Voice" but without a sound saying very clearly ;

Call your musicians "Forever Haqqani"

I was still standing in salat (prayer) and a Divinely Peace and happiness overwhelmed me, my heart knew it was the "Voice” of Allah, Lights came into my heart, and it appeared without a sound saying very clearly in my heart; it is for the honor of your "Grandsheikh Muhammad Nazim al Haqqani".(Alhamdulillah) Ahmad you will have a message when they are ready."
Thursday night 25 July 2002"The message” from our Beloved Grandsheikh to Sharif,who is one of the whirling dervishes.
After the Thursday night Dzikr meditation I went to sleep, I had a dream;I saw our Grandsheikh Sultan Muhammad Nazim coming he said;
"Your family is chosen by our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to be "Forever Haqqani"
I saw many people there were also three dervishes, Aadam, Muhibu Rahmaan, and myself. Our Grandsheikh said to the dervishes,

"You three are chosen by our Prophet (S.A.W),
Our Grandsheikh then asked us;
"Are all of you Ready? All of us answered, "Yes!"

Our Grandsheikh called Sheikh Ahmad to sit next to him, and put his hand around him saying;
"Sheikh Ahmad is Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi in this time".
Then our Grandsheikh looked at Sheikh Ahmad smilingour Grandsheikh started to sing;
"Ya Rumi, Ya Rumi, Ya Sirrullah," then He said;
"After the performance in Holland, East and West will be open"
Then our Grandsheikh looked at me saying;
“Sharif, tomorrow tell them this news”
Then our Grandsheikh was reciting;
"Al Faatiha" (The Holy Opening)
Grandsheikh Muhammad Nazim once said;

Our Tariqat, is based on associations with the Sheikh.When you are with him, come into him, melt within his reality and join him in unity. Through that unity you are in unity with the Prophet (S.A.W) which will lead you to the Unity Oceans of Allah the Almighty. You will leave your own personality and accept to be nothing. That is the real Sufi method. But in our days everything is misunderstood. People think that when they come to Tariqats they have to show themselves more and more, become bigger and bigger and get more power. They think that they have to prove themselves. The most distinguished Naqshbandi Order wants to take all that away and make you understand that you are nothing.........This is what it means to surrender to a Sheikh, to a Prophet and to Allah. When you have no more existence Allah will dress you with your real body, with your real existence which will last forever Haqqani!

"FOREVER HAQQANI" are the holy blessings to all musicians who are with Sheikh Ahmad Dede
Sheikh Ahmad Dede said;
One time during one of the first performance, I saw the Great Master Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi appearing, I asked him(Qad) what he thought about our music, The Great Master Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi( Qad) looked in my eyes, and smiling he honored us by saying;

"My beloved son, Sheikh Ahmad Dede, you must know that the instruments are not important, by our Lord Allah Almighty it is important to sing or to play the music with a clean heart, if the heart is clean that will make the connection to the Divine, you must know, and tell them, that the instruments are not the connection but a clean heart, if the heart is not in the Heavenly connection you may use the best instruments but that music will never be Heavenly connected. A clean heart makes the connection to Heaven, and the one who surrenders to this Heavenly connection become Gods instrument and who is connected in the Divine, that connection will bring the secret Wonderful Rainbow coming down, and through that Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Rainbow the support of the coming of “Golden Lights” makes the Divine Music to appear, just like the shell if it opens to give you His pearls, just like my musicians "Forever Haqqani", Look Ahmad, look, even the Angels are coming down Whirling"

Night of Forgiveness


Laylatu l-Barah'ah
(The Night of the 15th Sha'ban)

The Prophet said: "Allah looks at His creation in the night of mid-sha;ban and He forgives all His creation except for the mushrik(idolater) or a mushahin(one bent on hatred)".

From 'A'isha : She said: The Prophet stood up in prayer during part of the night and made his prostration so lengthy that I thought his soul had been taken back. When I saw this I got up and went to move his big toe, whereupon he moved, so I drew back. When he raised his head from prostration and finished praying, he said: "O 'A'isha, O fair little one (humayra')! Did you think that the Prophet had broken his agreement with you?" She replied: "No, by Allah, O Emissary of Allah, but I thought that your soul had been taken back because you stayed in prostration for so long." He said: "Do you know what night this is?" She said: "Allah and His Prophet know best." He said: "This is the night of mid-Sha'ban! Verily Allah the Glorious and Majestic look at His servants on the night of mid-Sha'ban, and He forgives those who ask forgiveness, and He bestows mercy on those who ask mercy, and He gives a delay to the people of envy and spite in their state."

This is the night before the 15th when your provision for the coming year is determinded and a night of forgiveness.

Althought the majority of the commentatoes consider the 'blessed night' in the above verses to refer to Night of Decree (laylat al-qadr) which is considered to be in the month of Ramadan, yet the commentaries also mention that this "blessed night" may be that of mid-Sha'ban (laylat l-bara'a). Consequently the Shar'a has commended observance of that night. Iman Suyuti says: "As for the night of mid-Sha'ban, it has great merit and it is desirable (mustahabb) to spend part of it in supererogatory worship."

One may do this between Magrib and 'Isha prayer:

Read Suratu Ya-Sin 3 times:
1) The first is to be read with the intention of raising ones maqam, or station.
2) The second with the intention of asking for rizq, or provision.
3) The third with the intention of protection from enemies.

After 'Isha one should read either:
a) 300 Ikhlas Sharif
b) 1,000 Ikhlas Sharif

In any number of raka'at needed to complete the above, e.g. for b) 40 raka'at in which 25 Ikhlas Sharif are read in each raka'at.

A way, which does come from Hadith and is mentioned, for example, in the book 'Al-Ghunyatu li-Taalibiyi l-Haqq", a word ascribed to Shaikh 'Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (or Geylani as Maulana prefers to pronounce it), consists of 100 raka'at. Best of all is to pray tese 2-2-2 etc, though it would be acceptable combine them into four, six or eight raka'at with on salam. Shaikh Nazim prays two-two-two, etc. In each raka'ah you pray Surahtu l-Fatihah and then ten times Suratu l-Ikhlas.

The Naqshbandi Handbook of Daily Practises - Maulana Sheikh Nazim