Step out of the circle of time,
and into the circle of Love.
Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi
To be in Love
To be in love with love is to gain a soul,
to sit on the throne of hearts.
To love the world is to be afflicted.
Later the secrets start to make sense.
Don't be a bramble, become the rose.
Let your maturity unfold.
The brambles will only burn.
Prayer was created by God so man could ask for help.
It's too bad if you haven't learned to ask.
Accept the breath of those who are mature-
let it become your divining rod.
If you obey your self, things turn out wrong.
Renouncing the world is the beginning of worship.
If you are a believer, believe this.
Respect your parents and ancestry,
and you will have fine green clothes of your own.
If you earn the complaints of neighbors,
You'll stay in Hell forever.
Yunus heard these words from the masters.
If you need this advice, take it.
They say one who is received by a heart
becomes more beautiful.
Yunus Emre
Keep with those that awake the Love for God Almighty
You may follow anyone.. If you can see from those meetings that some love is awakening in your heart for God Almighty, then you must keep with those meetings. The love of God Almighty is not so easy, because you can not imagine Him. He is beyond our imagination; therefore God Almighty has put His Divine representation into His prophets. Finally, He gave that Divine representation to His beloved Muhammad, blessings of Allah be upon him. He was beloved by his Lord, Almighty God.
Mawlana Sheikh Nazim
Lovers are in eachother all along
The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along.
Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Conscience belongs to Heavens
Be with your conscience every night. Even if it is for a moment, ask yourself sincerely, whether you were on the side of truth that day, or not. Let your conscience answer; it belongs to Heavens, it will not cheat you, it cannot tell lies.
Mawlana Sheikh Nazim
Spirit of Faith
The base upon which faith is built, the spirit of faith/Ruh ul Iman is to carry everything that you don’t like, and to be patient with those you don’t like. For as many people as there are on this earth, such is the number of different characters and abilities, and you must carry them all. Whenever you are carrying other people, you get more power, more strength for your faith. The real power of faith is to remain unchanged in the face of trials.
In our times, the sign of a good character, and the highest degree of Jihad-ul-Akbar/biggest fight, is to carry other people’s bad characters and to tolerate them.
We have not been ordered to refuse people, but to make them more pleased. We are living in a time when people may say anything and everything; you must be patient with them, and excuse them, always without fighting. You must know that people are ill with their egos. If you are claiming to be doctors, you must excuse them. If you are on the way of Prophets, you must help them and be tolerant of them. This is the highest degree of good manners.You must not forget a goodness that has been done to you. If someone does a goodness for you, and afterwards you become displeased with that person over something he said or did, your displeasure, your forgetfulness of that person’s good deed toward you is from bad character. You may give meat to cats one hundred times; but if you leave it just once (hungry), that cat will make objections and complaints to Allah, saying:”He left me hungry!”
It is good manners not to argue with people, even if you know that you are in the right. Arguing extinguishes the faith.
Who is a real Muslim? One who doesn’t harm anyone, either with his hands or with his tongue. People are safe from him. This is a wide entrance to Islam, and it is for all people.
Mawlana Sheikh Nazim
If you offer me your Love
Don't take the cup away from me
before I've had enough to drink
Your promises are charming
but I am not a fool.
Be more giving or I will have to rob you,
you raise your price to discourage me
but I am not naive and won't give up so easily.
Come out of hiding, open the door and let me in
I am at your mercy, the slave of your smile.
I put on airs to impress you,
even your scolding inflames my passion.
You are the music within music that stole my heart.
If I see beauty it's because I look through your eyes
but when I come back to myself
I find no one there.
Still you are not content, what more do you want?
My king, I am your falcon and when I hear your drum
I will spread my wings.
If you offer me your love I'll be drunk with joy,
but if you do not, I will accept,
lower my head and surrender.
Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi
For peace to be atained between people a primary condition is that they look to each other with benevolence and tolerance. Look at these beautiful gardens: one and the same soil and so many hundreds of different kinds of trees and plants! They cannot be seen complaining about the proximity of the other kinds of plants. They are not fanatics insisting that all of the trees in the area should be of one and the same variety.
Mawlana Sheikh Nazim
The World of Love
Since I have heard of the world of Love,
I've spent my life,
my heart
And my eyes this way.
I used to think that love
And beloved are different.
I know now that they are the same.
I was seeing two in one.
Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Divine Love
Divine love, that is settled and based through the hearts of mankind.It is not becoming less. As long as you are looking after it, you should find it increasing, giving more, and being more tasteful, and finding it never ending. This is because your physical being is going to finish, but your real being is never going to finish. Your physical being is a temporary being,, but your spiritual being is a permanent one. Therefore that which belongs to your physical being from love is going to finish. But that which belongs to your spiritual being is never ending, is permanent. You are free to choose between the two. And you are free to look for the one or the other as you like.If you like it to finish, then follow your physical desires and their love. If you are interested in Eternal Love, Everlasting love, then look after your spiritual love - Are you doing so?
Mawlana Sheikh Nazim